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About Us

The Pleasant Harbor Yacht Club is made up of a group of boaters who enjoy our ‘home away from home’ on the Hood Canal.   Our members are all ages, from all over the western U.S., and own boats of all sizes, power and sail.

Boating on Hood Canal is unique. It is the only natural fjord in the continental U.S., and reveals magnificent views of the Olympics towering over the marina, warmer waters in summer, and cruising free of large commercial vessels and ferries.  (Just an occasional submarine!)

Membership dues are small as we have no clubhouse.  We try to have social events about once a month – even in winter - and we have reciprocal privileges through fellow yacht clubs all over the PNW.

Whether boating together or just enjoying time at Pleasant Harbor, our members are low key, fun-loving and share a love of boating.  Come join us – our name says it all!

Our History

The Pleasant Harbor Yacht Club was officially established on Saturday, June 26, 2004.  We were formed as a non-profit organization and elected our first official board on September 4th of that year.  PHYC was developed to promote pleasure in boating and to help create camaraderie for the common good.  The club started with 40 charter members (those who joined before September 4th) and 63 members by the end of that year.   8 of those original members are still members today.  Members have come and gone through the years, but we have maintained numbers in that 60+ ballpark for most of our 18 year life.  It’s been a wonderful ride so far with dozens of events, cruises and parties on land, and tons of fun!
